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Top Five Ways to Deal with Well Meaning Family or Friends Who Oppose Homeschooling

Writer: maggiedailmaggiedail

One -It’s Legal

In the State of Washington a parent who is homeschooling independently (regulated under the public school sector) must:

  1. Qualify (45 qt. Hrs. of college OR work with a certified teacher equivalent of 1 hr a week OR take a parent qualifying course OR be deemed qualified by Superintendent of Schools).

  2. File annual “Declaration of Intent” (ages 8-18).

  3. Teach the eleven subjects for Grades K-8 (reading, writing, language, spelling, math, science, health, social studies, history, art and music appreciation and occupational education). Or follow the high school graduation requirements for your school district.

  4. Assess annually (standardized or non-test assessment) (ages 8-18).

With Private Extension Program (regulated under the private sector) a parent must:

  1. Enroll in program and child meets with the teacher a minimum of 1 hour a week average.

  2. Teacher plans with parent and evaluates progress.

For the more information regarding homeschool laws in Washington check with If you are planning a move or currently live in another state, check what other states require by visiting:

Two -It Works

Dr. Brian Ray, PhD has conducted research and compiled research done by others to establish that homeschooling works. These studies have looked at different angles – academics, socialization, cost etc. Students who homeschool score high on standardized tests in contrast to public school students even though the tests were designed for the public school students.

Home Education Reason And ResearchCommon Questions and Research-Based Answers about Homeschooling

by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. (available in Store on website below)

National Home Education Research Institute

Home School Legal Defense Association

More and more colleges accept homeschoolers; some even recruit them especially.

Three – It’s Individual

One reason public and even private school does not work for everyone is that we are all different in abilities, interests and learning styles.

  1. In homeschooling each family can customize an educational program that fits the family and each child.

  2. You can consider learning styles and learning difficulties.

  3. You can adjust the schedule according to your family’s needs.

Four - It’s Social

  1. The family unit is the ideal place to develop social skills.

  2. What kind of socializing do children get in a room of their peers?  Where else in life do we associate with only people our own age?

  3. There are many opportunities available for homeschoolers to socialize with people outside the home: homeschool band or choir; YMCA physical education classes; sports teams; church groups; scouts etc. Parents have the opportunity to control the types and lengths of these encounters.


Five – It (Can Be) Inexpensive


Because homeschooling is individual, I can only say that it CAN BE inexpensive. If you choose a very structured, “school-like” homeschool, it can be very costly. However, there are ways to do it with less expense. Options are virtually endless.

  1. Used curriculum sales.

  2. Library Materials / living books.

  3. Multi-level curriculum.

  4. Field trips  / free places and events, seasonal memberships.

  5. Support groups.

  6. Homeschool Cooperatives.

  7. Internet websites.



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