Asperger’s Syndrome is on the autism spectrum. Center for Spectrum Services produced the DVD, The Asperger’s Difference to highlight briefly what it is like for these individuals.
Asperger’s Syndrome brings strengths as well as weaknesses.
What is Asperger’s Syndrome? (as described by 3 young people who have AS) Affects the brain and how one thinks. Social Skills Way the brain is wired
Challenges/ Weaknesses
Social skills – making and keeping friends, understanding unwritten social rules
Communication Skills – making eye contact, face-to-face conversation
Processing – understanding what people say; slow reaction time; difficulty understanding metaphors; strong in literal thinking
Conversational skills – mind goes faster than they can talk or the other way around; they interrupt; they are annoyed when they have something say and can’t
Computer communication can be easier because there is a degree of anonymity and you can edit what you want to say before you send it
Passionate interests – can’t stop distractions; using a timer can help
Perfectionism – wash hands too often; “Perfectionism and procrastination are enemies.”
Organization –
Fidgety – can’t sit still
Sensory Sensitivities – sensory overload
Emotional Control – temper tantrum
Targets for teasing and bullying
Isolation and depression
Positive Aspects / Strengths
Musical ear / creativity
Memory – long term statistics; doesn’t need to study hard for tests
Language and memory for movies
Visual learning / imagery
Sensory strength – very observant
Good citizens – following rules
Self Advocacy -Sometimes you have tell people – it is your choice: 1. Ask: What is the nature of the relationship? Can have positive and negative effects Longer term relationships – more important to tell Trusted – potential girl(boy)friends once you know them 2. Ask: What is the purpose of the relationship? Professor – to get help – “Get all the help you can get, but don’t use it as an excuse to be lazy.”